We went for the quick get away today as The Mumbles Yacht Club was
hosting a Topp

Well... a woman's intuition prevailed! I managed to break a part of the starting mechanism on the 4 stroke Honda whilst afloat but still at anchor. So we spent the next 3 hrs pottering with the spare 2 stroke (Yamaha Malta) What a great little engine, very light and pushed us along quite happily. In fact this little engine has really opened our eyes and will
probably be our second choice of propulsion from now on,
sails obviously being the first.

I started the day by taking the boat down to the boat park prior to the Topper crowds and had a good chat to an owner of a Drascombe long boat (21'). He comes from Hereford but makes the trip to Mumbles quite regularly. This was the first time we had met, they were off down the coast to Three Cliffs and as the owner rigged his crew were digging for bait. With this in mind I decided it was time to purchase my first fishing rod (not a brothers hand me down whilst in my early teens)
Too cut a fairly long story short we had an excellent afternoon in Swansea Bay getting close to the Topper racing coupled with a quick jaunt through the outer sound (gap between the

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